I need to loose weight!! It's getting out of control!!

So I went to visit my parents yesterday and i stepped on the scale and OMG I almost fainted. Before my pregnancy I was 190lbs and after I had my son I was 215lbs. Now I'm at 221lbs. 🙊 i have my son at the time since my hubby works graveyard shift. So I can't really go outside and exercise (can't take my son out since he has eczema and it flares up with heat) I'm always BUSY!! I wake up around 6am get me and baby ready. Drop him off at babysitters house. And work from 7:30 to 4:30, pick up baby from babysitter, start dinner, wash dishes, laundry, etc. I already have my hands full so I really don't have time to do anything (exercise) Has any moms tried doing the easy way and take diet pills?  If so what's the best diet pills? And please post before and after pics!! Or if you have any tips for me let me know I'm so ready to start shedding some fat lol 😊😊