Unsupportive husband

My husband hasn't been very supportive lately. I know I'm hormonal and difficult to deal with but we recently got into an argument with another couple and he took their side! I don't feel like he has my back and he makes me out to be the bad guy all the time. I was furious with the other couple because the woman who is strangely obsessed with my fertility and didn't see me drinking one night and ran home and told her boyfriend she thought I was pregnant. I was 3 weeks pregnant and wasn't planning on telling a soul Bc we have had miscarriages before. He then confronted my husband and was like I heard she's pregnant and my husband confirmed it. I was so furious, and felt extremely violated. I didn't even tell my own mother! I've been so upset with them and it's escalated into an awful fight and my husband had been berating me over this! He should be on my side! Especially since I am his wife and will be the mother of his children. But instead he makes me feel like shit! I don't feel like he has my back and it is making us grow apart from each other.