I had a miscarriage after 1 year of trying the first time

I had a miscarriage after 1 year of trying the first time. Then I went on to conceive my son Gideon who was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (I have the MTHFR gene). He was such a blessing, but went home to Jesus shortly after birth (2months). It has been nearly 5 years since his birth, and since then, my marriage has been tested to the max. We have since rebuilt our relationship but out of our marital problems came a daughter, whom I love dearly, that I did not give birth to (she's about to turn 4 on august 4th!) It has taken me a long time to feel comfortable enough to try again, given my MTHFR gene and my husband's infidelity, but after 3 months off of the pill and trying, I have a positive result! I'm so scared, and so happy! God is good ❤