He doesn't help me!!.

I'v been with my other half for almost 2 years now, he had a job when I met him the after a few weeks of been together he left & hasn't had a job since!. I have 3 children from my last relationship & im due for my 4th in 3 months I have PGP really bad & can't do that much around the house & my other half doesn't help me what so ever! He's always been lazy & never helped me out that much but lately he's getting really sloppy he says he's going to change but everyday is the same. I'v told him I'll leave him if he doesn't start helping or help me buy for our baby as I'm buy everything & paying all the bills!. 
Help What Do I Do??? 
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Posted at
People can only do to you what you let them. Sounds like he's been a lazy joker since you first got together and you've stuck with him. Your only choices are to continue to stay or leave. You've already told him you'll leave so do it. Either leave or stop threatening to leave. He's not going to change otherwise ....maybe. 


Agent • Jun 26, 2016
👏👏👏 so tired of empty threats.


Posted at
Penny even with all your children you can still leave and manage on your own. You just need a plan In place. You should Wait until baby comes. Give him an ultimatum and say he helps or your leaving. My moms boyfriend does the same and they both hate eachother. As time goes on its getting worse and it's not good for my other siblings to be around when they are arguing. I wish you well. If you can't continue living a life with no hell you know what needs to be done. It will be a rough road but if he won't work your basically single anyways. You can do it. I left my old boyfriend and raised my daughter on my own. You need to find someone who will help you and treat you right. 


Pamela • Jun 26, 2016
Don't mind my typos new phone


Posted at
Leave him! U clearly can do it on ur own and that will be one less person to take care of.. that's so selfish of him and beyond lazy.


Posted at
Leave. Why stay with someone like that? A partner should enhance your life and happiness, not the other way around. You deserve better.


Posted at
I'm not really sure what you can do, you've let him be lazy basically your whole relationship so he has no reason to change.