VENTING!! Not pregnancy related

We had a wedding to go to this weekend 2hours away we were staying 2 nights. We have 2 dogs and my husband took it upon himself to arrange for his sister and her 3 kids and husband and their dog to stay at our house and dog sit while we were gone. We have an unground pool and our house is about 3x the size of theirs so they agreed feeling like it was a vacation. I was super thrilled when I heard my husband took the dog sitting matters into his own hands but not happy he invited them to all stay at or house. Not much I could do it was already arranged. I was hoping my paranoia and not wanting people at our house was my own OCD. Flash forward came home today. All the beds were made which is super uncharacteristic of them my SIL house is the messiest I've ever seen. I start taking my bed apart because as I've said I'm OCD and had to clean the sheets before sleeping there only to find a massive piss stain in the middle of the bed. My husband thinks it was their youngest child. I'm super infuriated, it's one thing to piss in the bed it's another to not clean it, or tell me and to make the bed in hopes of hiding it from me!! THANK GOD I WAS CLEANING ANYWAY! I'm praying that's the worst we find over the next few days. I'm also very glad my husband is equally angry and sees now we should never have people over our house while we are gone. Especially not ones that can't keep their own house clean. GRRRR had to vent.