Need some advice.

Okay ladies I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow. I'm at my breaking point. With my first I lost my mucus plug at exactly 36 weeks and had her at 37. 
I have already dropped and have been having Braxton hicks consistently for the past two days.  I was checked at my 34 week appointment and Doctor said no dilation and cervix was thick and long. Living in Las Vegas I can not imagine going another 4 weeks until my due date. I've tried everything to get my labor going lots of sex elliptical treadmill birthing ball ect.I don't think I've lost my mucus plug yet. I have an apt on Tuesday with my doctor. Hoping to talk to him about stripping my membranes at 37 weeks. 
Any of you moms out there with two babies already have similar labor and delivery time lines? Or were they way different?