Pregnancy Symptoms

My period is due in 8 days. 
I keep getting really bad cramping.. 
I can normally pin point when my period is due as I get really bad cramping a day before my period.. I don't normally get any before hand. So it just seems really weird that I'm getting cramps this early.
I don't want to get my hopes up but I heard this was a sign of early pregnancy.. Do you think I could be pregnant? 
I've been feeling abit different in myself recently too.. But not in the way I would be expecting if I was pregnant; for example I've had pretty much no appreciate! I use to eat all the time but now I can quite easy have a packet of crisps & it'll last me until 5 o'clock. 
Also.. On a more rank note, I use to get a lot of 'mucus' especially before i ovulated & after. To me it's just disgusting, it was always thick, white, wet & gets everywhere!!! (I hope you know what I mean haha) 
And I've not had any of that :/ 
On a more pregnant symptoms note I have been feeling sick too, like all the time! Nothing too dramatic, but it is a constant, background feeling. 
I've also been stupidly hot! Some nights I can't seep because of it.
Not sure what to make of it all! 
Obviously I really hope I am pregnant, but I have only been trying for 2 months so it's not been long, plus I don't seem to have many symptoms :/
Anyone had any similar symptoms & has been pregnant?