Poor hubby

Ok, so we have a 3 week old little girl. Also have 2 boys that are mine from a previous relationship so he's never taken care of a newborn baby...he's actually never been around a small baby period!! Anyways, he made a mistake last night and baby girl got hurt. He was in a chair next to the table and didn't have his arm up very high. She had her head resting on his chest and she flung her head back and fell over...still in daddy's arms but hit her head on the table!! She screamed, and he didn't show it to me but I know he felt horrible!! I'm pretty sure he let some silent tears out after she and I went to bed! I told him about a couple things that hastened with my oldest when I had him or when my brother in law was holding him. I just wish I could call him down about it a bit...he seems kind of scared to hold her now as if it will Happen again!! :-/ no questions or anything but I felt sorry for him, and I know there are first time mom's out there that feel like bad mom's after something similar to this happens to them. Here's the proof that you are not alone! Lol and it's not just moms that it happens to!! Have a good day mamas!!