Blood clot at 11 weeks

Rebekka • 33 - just had our 4th daughter after 10 years of secondary infertility. Our family is now complete :)
I'm 11 weeks 1 day today and had to have what was my 4th U/S. I've been spotting on and off after bowel movements since 8 weeks but the last 2 times it was more of a gush with some tiny clots. Both times U/S and blood work showed baby is good and healthy. Last week they said I was spotting because my placenta was really low. Today they said my placenta is partially covering the cervix and now has a quarter-sized blood clot behind it. 
Doc didn't seem worried though and said by 11 weeks it shouldn't cause any harm to baby. I've heard of women having these clots in early pregnancy but has anyone had them after 8-9 weeks? She reassured me that even after 2 bleeding episodes baby is good and growing but I never had this with my 3 girls. 
She said that either my body will reabsorb the clot, I'll keep spotting/bleed it out, or it will just pass. Fingers crossed for reabsorbing! I'm on pelvic rest until at least 20 weeks (except for U/S) and no lifting, no excersize, etc. This is going to be a LONG pregnancy lol