Weaning regret! Help!!

My daughter just turned a year and I had decided to wean her. She coslept and basically nurses all night long so I am exhausted. I just got a crib and have been trying to have her sleep in the crib most of the time. I feel much better as long as she's not nursing all night long and started regretting that I had started to wean her. I've still nursed her at least once every day because I was so engorged but yesterday when I woke up my boobs felt empty and I just felt really emotionally overwhelmed and guilty. I've been nursing a lot since yesterday trying to increase my milk supply because I honestly don't think either one of us are ready. Today I nursed her and it seemed like she got a little, I pumped right after and got a few drops from each side, hoping that's a good thing since I know there is still a little milk in there. Has anyone else ever had overwhelming emotions or regret when coming close to being done breastfeeding? Any tips on how to increase my milk supply? I'm so worried and upset that I made the wrong choice and my milk is drying up.😔