Share your super vivid dreams!

I am super sure I'm not the only one having really vivid dreams after getting pregnant.  I only remember my dreams if I wake up without an alarm, and after graduating university two weeks ago, that's been happening every night.
Lots are baby related.  Last week I had a dream that I had my baby, but he wasn't cute at all!  I was super annoyed about it, but then he started talking at only three weeks old!!  Then he was super cute hahaha
Last night my dream was that I was five months pregnant(in real life I'm only 3) and the doctor was going to give me a heart transplant, and while he was in there, take the baby out too!!  For whatever reason, I was cool with both things, even though the surgeon was like a crazy mad scientist guy.
What sorts of crazy dreams have you ladies had??  Share here!!