My love is finally here!
Here's my birth story! It's kind of long, sorry in advance!
For about 3-4 days my back had been hurting. My mom said she thought it was back labor and that he was probably coming soon. 
so (my little secret) we went out for lunch on Saturday (37/6) and I tried to make my food exceptionally spicy! (I didn't think it worked) but for some reason I still felt like I would be in labor soon, so I stopped by the store to pick up a hospital bag for myself. I also picked up some castor oil, ice cream and pineapple juice. (shhhh!) so I got home and had some castor oil and pineapple juice around 5:45, pooped (not diareah, just soft and semi loose) about 15-20 mins later. after that, I felt nothing so I assumed it didn't work. so I thought, oh well-he doesn't want to come. fell asleep around 7ish and woke up at 10 with some cramping. I thought the castor oil had kicked in and I was gonna poop! so I keep trying to use the bathroom, but I couldn't. so after the cramps would come, subside and come back, I realized it was most likely labor pains! I timed them for a while to see if they were consistent, and were about 5-7 minutes apart. so I texted my mom (who was at a casino in NC!) what I was feeling and she said to make sure that I wasn't alone and she was on her way back. well, daddy's there with me, but this joker fell asleep on me so I was just contracting alone with my dog! (he would however, wake up out of his sleep and say "just breathe!" 🙄)
fast forward and I had already talked to an advice nurse who said call back when they were 5-1-1. so around 5 am (I had not been to sleep this whole time) I timed them and at this point they're around 4-5 mins apart lasting well over a minute long. so I text my mom, telling her to come over when she's awake, and call the advice nurse back, who tells me to go ahead and head to the hospital. I wake daddy up, tell my mom were going to go ahead and head over, and she says she's going to meet us there.
the whole time I was losing my mind in the car btw. 😂
so, i labored for about 28 hours total. I started having contractions at 10 pm, got admitted at the hospital at 830am (38 weeks) and was 2-3cm. I got in the tub for about an hour and she checked me around 11:30am. I was a 4 so I got to stay at the hospital and not go home. (even though I think it's because I literally begged the midwife and said "please don't send me home!!")
I wanted to go natural, but fuck that, so I got the epidural. of course I couldn't move anymore because of it, but after a while it wore off on my right side. I got a dose of some medicine (fentanyl?) to knock the edge off and they also started me on pitocin. it worked but then the contractions started slowing down again. upped the pitocin and gave me more of the "knock the edge off" medicine. so then she checked me a couple hours later I was a 5 around 3 o'clock. epidural kept wearing off and they gave me another dose of the medicine along with something maybe called bolis? around 9pm I was I think a 6 maybe. somewhere in there they told me they heard a heart murmur from the baby on the monitor and that the nicu team would be there at delivery to check him out and all this stuff. so of course I started crying!
the Anesthesiologist came to give me something in my epidural cause it was still wearing off. around 12-1 am they ended up telling me I was only 7cm and that the process was taking way too long and since my contractions were strong enough and I was having them frequently enough with the pitocin. they were at 100% on the intensity and were pretty close together. they said that he should have already been born at that point. so the midwife tells me I need a c section because they think he's too big to fit through the birth canal, my cervix was swollen, and along with that she thought his head was shifted at an angle and wasn't coming down straight. they determined he was stuck and couldn't descend for me to have a vaginal birth!
so, I started crying (again!) well now it's c section prep! so the doctor removed my epidural catheter and needle and gives me a whole new one, because I wasn't numb at all. so they take me to the or, I was suuuuupeer high off all the medicine and at 2:44 am (38/1) he was born weighing 8.2lbs and he was 21" long. he had even got stuck when they were trying to pull him out of me because he was so big, which hurt like fuck.
he had really bad bruising on his head and face (his whole face was blue) from being stuck in me. (I really wasn't 100% coherent during the surgery, so my memories of him being all blue aren't there. I finally sobered up and that's when I was like omg! my baby! lol) after I finally wasn't so high they let me do skin to skin and love on him.
he's really sweet so far, doesn't cry that much, and he's doing AMAZING with breastfeeding!

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