Footling breech?

Risa • Middle school English teacher | Married My College Sweetheart 10/15/05 | 3x Girl Mama to Punkin (10/12/07), Peanut (09/04/16), and Pickle (08/28/18)
Second time mama, here; first time in this position. My older daughter had turned head down by 24 weeks. This baby is still footling breech at 29. I know that in an average pregnancy, most doctors wouldn't even be bothering with position this early, but I'm already high risk (hey, Crohn's disease, I see you...) and her position is causing me significant discomfort. Anyway, my OB said that, if she's not head down by 34 weeks, we'll start talking c-section.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to get her to turn on her own?
Incidentally, in case anyone was curious, you can see baby girls' uteruses and ovaries on u/s at 29 weeks. There's a fun fact for the day.