First baby! 11 weeks, 4 days

I am pregnant for the first time, and very excited. Last year, a doctor told me that she thought I had PCOS (ovarian cysts), and after listening to her and doing some research, I was devastated and was fully convinced that conceiving would be a long and difficult journey for me.
I haven't really attempted to conceive since then, although I have been tracking my cycle closely.
I missed one period a month ago and figured, hey, probably just the cysts. All the other symptoms I had were also symptoms of PCOS, so when I went to the doctor a week later, I fully expected bad news.
Lo and behold, it was the best news I have ever received. 
I had my first ultrasound last week and it really put everything into perspective. 
Here is this tiny little human that I have the privilege of nurturing and nourishing while it does some crazy fast growing inside my womb. 
I get to tell everyone about it this weekend and cannot wait to share my excitement with close friends!