Moving my mom - vent!

Little🌙Dragon • 40 year old mom of 2. 🕰 Do I dare go for IVF #2???
My 75yr old mom sold her home and escrow closes on the day of my baby shower. 😲 
I've had to find her an apartment in a short amount of time and I can't believe 1bdrm rent is so expensive! I'm sorta just going with the first option because I'm starting to really get stressed out over all of this and timing between shower and getting bigger every day. We're fronting the money to move her in and my husband would have to physically help her move. I'm pretty useless except for making the arrangements. If that's not enough stress, I'm worried she's going to have trouble adjusting and be clingy as hell. Ughhhh all of this is for the better but it's so much pressure at the worst time. Wish me luck ladies! Just had to vent....