Pack n play help


For the moms who have used a pack n play is there really a weight limit? How long where you able to use it for your little one? Did you like it? We're there problems with the changing table part of it?

I'm asking because I bought a pack n play for my baby to sleep in and was so excited about it after looking into it and talking to other moms because of how much of a multipurpose item it was.well my mil found out about it and did some research and waited till after we spent $119.84 on our pack n play to address the concerns she has about it and she is not happy with my I'm second guessing myself.all the questions I asked is what she asked me.she said the pack n play has a 35lbs limit to it.i Google the one we have and it didn't show a weight limit.i really wanted this to be a viable option for us,because we are living in a one bedroom and don't want to upgrade till our son is 6 months old.please help.