Has anyone else experienced "pregnancy of unknown location"?

Due to 2 previous miscarriages I was given an early reassurance scan yesterday (at 6weeks 3 days). They couldn't find anything on the scan so they took a pregnancy test which came out positive. They went on to do an internal scan and they could see a small black dot measuring (1.1mm). The midwife explained it could be either the start of a pregnancy, or a bleed as they can look the same on the screen. I was given a blood test and told the hormone levels should be sitting at around 500 for the size, but they were much higher at 2300 so I was called back in first thing today for an internal but I'm still none the wiser at this point. Has anyone experienced anything similar?? From the symptoms I've been told to look out for and go straight over if I experience it sounds like an ectopic is the suspected outcome, but back tomorrow for more bloods tests... Waiting is the hardest part.