Can someone help me ?

Linda • Tubal reversal in April 2015, miscarriage at 8w3d in April 2016, ectopic at 6w3d in October 2016. Still not giving up!!
I've finally had 2 days of positive OPKs. I really thought that I ovulated but my temps didn't rise and now the test are negative. (Still very dark but not as dark as the control line) normally I'd just wait and think I was gonna ovulate tomorrow but my CM has changed. I had the EWCM and so much watery CM that is was crazy but now it's back to sticky. What happened? I discarded my temp on cd15but only because we were at a hotel out of town and I tossed and turned all night. I may have gotten 2 hours of sleep, if that. 
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I'm not sure but it looks like your body might have tried to ovulate but didn't quite make it. Discuss it with your doctor and he or she will give you some options. It's great that you have this info though! Keep temping!


Natalie • Jun 30, 2016
How is your chart looking today?


Linda • Jun 29, 2016
Produce a better quality egg or maybe 2 eggs. This is my second cycle on it.


Linda • Jun 29, 2016
It varies. I've ovulated as early as CD13 before but never later than CD 18. I'm 37 so my dr said to try clomid for 3 cycles and if I don't get pregnant then we would move to iui. We've tried for over a year and got pregnant once but I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. My dr said the clomid should


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That should say 3 days of positives, not 2.