
I am about to try castor oil. My due date is July 2nd, and I am still not dilated, softened, effaced, or lost my mucus plug. I have lots of braxton hicks, but that is it! 
My doctor is scheduling a c-section for one week and 2 days after my due date. That does not give me a lot of time. I cannot be induced for a v-bac either. 
Please, share all of your castor oil stories from personal experience or someone you know who tried it. 
It has worked for 3 people I know, So I am on the brink of trying it. 
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Posted at
Don't do it. It will make you sick and can cause the baby to pass meconium inside you and there are risks. There have been babies who have died from their mothers taking it. I think it's too risky. And it won't work anyway if your body isn't ready. So what's the point in taking it and getting sick and then it not even working. 


Britney • Jun 29, 2016
That's interesting! My OBGYN was totally against it. I would I say just research it and then make the best decision for yourself and baby based off that!


Am • Jun 29, 2016
Thank you for telling me. I asked my OBGYN if there were any risks to baby, and he said no. I am going to bring this up


Posted at
Don't do it. I've heard of babies passing in womb because of it. I wouldn't risk my babies life. Just let it happen when it happens. You've been pregnant this long, what's a few days?


Jessica • Jun 29, 2016
awe babe 😔 that sounds tough. Wish I could help, im sorry 💔 I hope that whatever you decide to do works in your favor ☺ Good luck!


Am • Jun 29, 2016
Not any


Am • Jun 29, 2016
Those few days= major surgery and my husband not being there for me during it while I try to take care of myself, our newborn, and our toddler while he is halfway across the state :( I am so desperate for a quick recovery. I will have to ask my doc again about negative effects. He said there were


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Talk to your doctor. Sometimes they recommend it in small doses. But like the others are saying, it has caused multiple deaths and sicknesses in babies. I personally would never risk it 


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It is not worth the risk of losing your child. Red raspberry leaf tea, evening primrose capsules, and lots of sex all work better than castor oil and are not dangerous. 


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Didn't work was nasty.... Will she sweep your membranes ?


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Take evening primrose oil to help soften your cervix.


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I have a friend who took it to induce labor with all 4 of her girls and they were all born perfectly healthy.


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Try raspberry leaf tea instead! My sister drank it and had my nephew in less than 48 hours! 


Vicki • Jun 29, 2016
She did it almost 2 weeks before her due date so she was nowhere near labor either.