Friday June 24 at 31 weeks 3 days, my water broke at 830pm
Friday June 24 at 31 weeks 3 days, my water broke at 830pm. Things were not n progressing, we knew we had time and that he'd hold in there for at least a few more days.
Tuesday, June 28th comes and I start contracting almost right after midnight. However, it was not how I wanted to spend my birthday, in false labor.
I asked to be hooked up to a monitor to track my contractions and shortly after they came in my room to take me to labor and delivery to monitor me more.
Once down there, I asked to be checked, I knew I'd be at risk for infection but I needed them to check to see where my cervix was at, I was in pain.
They checked and I was 3cm 50% and baby was -2 position. They were not considering me active labor, since this was the first they had physically checked my cervix.
Within about an hour, the contractions had progressed more and I was now in tears and with every contraction I wanted to push. So at 330 the came in to check again, I still made no changes. They decided they'd come back at 530 to check again to be safe. They weren't convinced I was in labor.
At about 515, in tears and out of breath I begged the nurse to get the doctor. Two came in, the one checking me and the who would deliver. The one delivering asked me what was wrong and why I was so persistent to get my baby out now and continually just kept asking what my problem was. When I said I was contracting and in pain and that I knew I was in labor, she got even more upset. She asked where my pain was and what it felt like. I honestly felt like my pelvic was being shattered.
"How do you know you're in labor" she asked. This being my 3rd and never with the other 2 did I feel pain that amounted to what I was feeling at that moment was a pretty clear sign.
She continued to say I made no changes and this wasn't labor, as the other doctor checked my cervix and revealed I had dilated to a 4 now and that I was about 75 %.
I instantly asked for an epidural, I couldn't take the pain anymore. I called my fiance to get him up there (he was home with my 3yr old, we didn't think he'd need to be there just yet) getting the epidural was almost impossible, my contractions wouldn't slow down enough. Finally we got it done, and I started to feel some numbness in my belly and in my thighs, but I still felt every contractions.
I wanna say it was around 6 when I got the epidural. He left my room about 610ish.
My brother called right after to wish me a happy birthday and we got off the phone. Within minutes I was searching for my call light and I couldn't find it, just as I went to literally scream for help, the nurse came in. Baby had fallen off the monitor she wanted to find him, I told her no she needed to get a doctor. Of course she asked why I said I need to push now.
She didn't seem too concerned, I told her I felt his head and needed to push, I couldn't stop it, I needed to. She pulled the blankets off, said "shit" then started running all over pulling cords and pushing buttons.
Doctor came in said that was fast and I asked to push, I felt it all but one push and he was out. Epidural didn't even kick in like it should have.
From 330 am when they told me I was not active labor to 530 when I got told I had finally made a change. So at 530 they considered me active labor and 626am he was born.
Quick but unbelievably painful labor. Worst out of the 3.
He came at 32 weeks gestation exactly June 28th, 2016 (also my 24th birthday) at 626am weighing 3lbs 6oz 16.1 inches long. Logan Michael Meriwether.
He is super healthy. Is already getting ready to be moved out of the NICU tomorrow.
After losing my 5yr old in March it was rough, I didn't know how I'd do with delivery and having a new baby after losing a baby. But Logan is truly a blessing and I know Bradley would love him like crazy just like Connor does(my 3yr old)
I have truly been blessed with this little miracle boy. And he looks so much like Bradley did when he was a baby.
I definitely have to admit, best birthday present ever!!!

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.