Almost 39 weeks, scar tissue from IUD

Hello mom's out there...looking for some input or info from anyone who might have dealt with this...first time mom here and I had my appointment today, 38 weeks, 6 days. 2 weeks ago I had a large amount of bleeding and was in the birthing center all day being was fine and the doctor found out I had a small lesion on my cervix that he cauturised. At that time they said I was roughly dilated 2-3, last week after my check I was told I was 2 and the ultrasound showed baby was head down and engaged. Today same thing although the doctor said he can clearly feel scar tissue from my IUD that was removed 2 years ago that was embedded in my uterine wall...the doctor said I'm stuck currently at 2 because the scar tissue is holding the cervix together but in reality I could possibly be dilated further beyond the tissue and that once labor begins he could "break" the scar tissue during a contraction...has anyone else experienced this?!? I'm just concerned labor may not progress like it should...I have LOTS of lower pelvic pain, almost as if baby were as low as he/she could go but no consistent contractions. The doctor also stripped my membranes today and just like my other appointments after the check I'm extremely crampy...Sorry if this is long winded just was curious if anyone else has experienced anything like this?!?