UPDATE Advice please on pain in lower right stomach

Sarah • Single mom of 4 beautiful babies. All my babies have autism and seizures. Love them so very much
Hi lady's,
So I am 5+3 weeks pregnant and have this cramping in my lower right part of my stomach. It feels like this tairing/ pulling. It has been going on for a few hours. It's been getting worse just wondering what you guys think this is baby number 2 and I have not had this before Dr office is closed and am wondering if I should go in to the ER. But is it to early to see anything? 
Forgot to say sporting early this morning and it started hurting around 5 am
Update so I ended up going to the ER 
Had blood work done and ultrasounds anyways I was pregnant with twins and I lost one. That's why I was/ am having all the pain. Thanks lady's for talking to me it's been helpful.