My boss has lost his ever loving mind.

Lavinia • Proud momma to 4 babies. Expecting baby #5! Also Proud momma to 3 angels above us
Long but please bear with me. I really need input from my glow family. So My husband and I both work in the same warehouse which was fine at first. Hours were Monday-Friday 7am-3:30 and we had the weekend off to ourselves. A little over a month ago he changed our hours to Monday-Friday 7am-5:30 And Saturday       7am-3:30. Cool gives us a day and a half sort of. One day he comes up and pulls us both off of our lines and basically says we're not allowed to talk to each other, look at each other, basically act as if the other doesn't exist. That's when I started to get upset. We already don't have any time together and now I can't even look at my own husband across the warehouse without getting in trouble. Earlier this week I was pulled aside again and told that very shortly we will not be allowed to leave our station in between breaks unless dire emergency to use the restroom. Afterwords he asks if we are ttc and I said yes. He then proceeded to say "let's not let that happen or you will be out of a job. Your energy will be put towards growing a baby and not on making my parts" I just about lost it!!! Excuse my language but  WHAT THE FUCK!!! Who are you to tell me I can't have a baby or family!! THEN to top it all off he wants to change our hours again next week to 7am-7:30pm MONDAY-SATURDAY!! That's 75 damn hours a week!!! HE HAS OFFICIALLY LOST HIS EVER LOVING MIND!!!!! UGH!!!! So needless to say I am looking for another job!