Did I get Married too Young!!!

I meet my husband when I was 17 and he was 22. He was my daughter's school bus driver when she was in preschool. A year of just talking and flirting, we started dating. He was the first boyfriend I had ever brought home to meet my parents and he was so amazing with my daughter. After only four months of dating he asked me to marry him. I said no, due to the fact that 4 months was not long enough to really know someone. We dated for about 3 years. One of those three years we were not sexually active. Not once did he ever pressure me. I was so amazed on all the patience he had with me and the good relationship he built with daughter. We just celebrated our 2 year anniversary and these two years have been so wonderful. Sometimes I do wonder if maybe I did get married too young but at the same time he is such an incredible man and I would have been stupid to have let him go!
Would anyone have done this differently than I did??