My birth story

So i get up to pee the usual i lean foward to get some toilet paper and pop i felt a gooosh come out 😱 with blood wasnt sure if it was my amniotic fluid at all so i called my doctor told me to come in the morning because it wasnt dripping down my legs nor was i in any pain ... No contractions at all at 1am ! 1:30 am came around i started having contractions cramp like getting stronger every 3-4 minutes i wait till 3 am to get to the hospital got to the hospital around 3:20am nurses were telling me im dialating very quickly my contractions were one after the other ! 3:30 i was dialated at 3 then by 5 i was already at 7! 5:20 am they check again im at 7.5 i couldnt bare it anymore even though iwas very close to an all natural i asked for an epidural 😩 i was fully numb by 6 am 6:15 came around i started to push ! Felt like i was taking the biggest dump of my life!!! By 6:30 am my beautiful princess was here 💕👸🏼👶🏼 i say for being my first i did a pretty good job! Meet Genesis I. Bonilla 👶🏼👸🏼  measured 19in weighted 6lb 2oz born at 37weeks and 4 days 😱🤗