Wanting to be settled but he fights it? Help.

Taylor • Girl Momma to 3 Princesses! 💕 Homestead Wife
I've been with my boyfriend since end of grade 12. He's a year older. I'm 20 he's 21. Nearly two and half years now. We have a wonderful relationship, sure we have our fights but we are happy. However back track to October when I had a sudden misscarriage (no idea I was pregnant I was on the pill) this being my third misscarriage (all unplanned all birth control failures! Talk about shitty luck as a teen... Anyways) we both hurt over the baby, we cried and he tried his best to help me over come my depression from the loss of Gabriel...my boyfriend has never been the overly lovey type. But he does love me unconditionally and tells me I'm his rock his one in life. But he can't talk about marriage, or kids, or anything without saying he needs to travel and have a ton of money saved before any of that! We already have a house, a successful buisness, two vechiles and constant income to support ourselves! So I just don't understand why he gets so upset when I bring up wanting to get married before 25 and have a baby before 25.... He either gets mad or shuts down... I realize we are young and have time. But at 20 with 3 misscarriages and a family history of infertility I feel like I don't have time to wait till I'm over 25 to start trying for a family... I take my birth control faithfully as I want him to know I will NEVER push him into anything he isn't ready for, I just want him to understand my point of view... Any help? And please don't bash my age, I am not a child. Thank you for reading :) best regards to you all.