Kidney donation after pregnancy

Just a short blurb about my pregnancy:)
My hubby and I have been together for 12 years and married for 8. We have 2 boys, 6 years old and 4 years old and I'm currently due in October with number 3: Ms Emily Grace. In 2008 my husband and I found out he has polycystic kidney disease ( hereditary, no cure, transplant is the only option ). So it turns out I am his only option for a kidney donor so he won't have to be on dialysis and I've know this since almost the beginning. It's no questions asked of course I'm giving my husband my kidney... Even when he try's and talk me out of it, I am 100% sure no regrets it WILL happen, giving him my kidney. We were going to wait to get pregnant with # 3 until after I donated my kidney to him but after talking with my OB and his nephrologist I was told it would be all around better for me if got pregnant before I donate. We were told that my hubby would be ok until after the pregnancy to get my kidney. Well 2 months later we found out we are expecting (yay!!) and everything was good. I'm 25 weeks and we found out yesterday that his kidneys are actually declining faster then predicted but he could still possibly be ok until after I give birth. So the plan is to have my scheduled csection in October, wait the mandatory 8 weeks to be cleared, then the other mandatory 3 months wait on the transplant side to be cleared for surgery and my husband will be sporting a new organ :) I know a lot of people will have negative comments with what I'm doing... Believe me I've  heard them all... But I've known what I'm going to do for my husband for the past 8 years, it's just coming a little sooner after giving birth then we planned.