Worried about boyfriend

My boyfriend rides a bike and he has had injuries....and I'm always worried whenever he rides. Yesterday he went out for a ride with his buddy and he fell off a hill. He has so many scratches and bruises and he looks horrible. I don't want him to stop or anything I know it's his hobby. But he won't use a helmet or pads. He plays hockey and he wouldn't use those pads either. I was mad at him for falling which I know is totally irrational but why am I so pissed. I told him how I felt and he just brushed it of like it was nothing or insignificant all he said was he was going to bed. His injuries were bad that he couldn't work today. He went to a doc and got a scan done and all he is sore all over but he will live and nothing is broken. But I don't know how to make him take me seriously about my feelings. And why am I so mad that he is hurt...it's almost like I'm hurting...