Anyone doing IVF in July

Valerie • Trying to catch our rainbow..lost our baby girl yr ago,42 trying again n last IVF,
I started BC tonight baselines July 13 start Meds July 18 just got them today with a egg ultrasound check July 25 than from there retrieval July 28 and than the 3 and 5 day embryo blast wait gonna transfer 3-5 this time August 2nd
This is our story
I'm 42 dh is 40 we have one frozen embryo grade 2BB which were told is good but adding fresh embryos this cycle to the batch.we've tested myself and hubby with absolutely no issues Drs say we should be pregnant on own by now not wanting to wait before all eggs are gone to age were getting <a href="">IVF</a> help last cycle failed in April was told our egg count is still good.We have three children together and lost our baby girl last feb12 do to cord around neck of a perfect healthy baby girl so were hoping for our rainbow in JULY with last <a href="">IVF</a> 
Also husband had low count motility morphology but with help taking fertility blend for men after three month all great and 80 million count average is 40 he swears by them still taking them for the icsi at retrieval for <a href="">IVF</a>