Is it still possible this month?

This may be a super dumb question, and if so, I apologize. My husband and I are new to TTC. We are not tracking BBT or CM or ovulation predictor kits or anything like that just yet in favor of just seeing what happens first. I am, however, using the calendar on this app and another one to help me figure out my projected fertile window based on my last period. According to one app, today (Thursday) is our highest chance and with this one, it's tomorrow (Friday). We weren't able to BD last night because we were too busy and tired and fell asleep pretty much as soon as our head hit the pillow, but we did the night before (Tuesday). We won't be able to today because I will be at work all day and my husband will be at work all night. Hopefully we will be able to make time tomorrow, but if not, is there still a possibility that I could still get pregnant this month even though the last time was 2 days ago?