Embryo Transfer today !!!

Okay so I'm freaked out to the limit I can't deal right now I am praying that this time my embryo baby sticks to uterus and never let's go until it's time for me to push him or her out. Right now I'm praying on a miracle please ladies wish me good luck and pray that my embryo baby sticks after so much heartache and health issues I need this one thing to work. I know I would be a great mom but who isn't afraid of not doing something once you are pregnant I have so many fears but I know my Husband's family and my mom and dad plus sister will help me stay level headed. I broke down yesterday and told my husband i needed this I just cried because I been through alot and people don't understand or get why I fight so hard to have this future family that I want so bad. Seizers at a young age 4-11, pcos at age 22, Meningitis at age 25 and then heart failure at age 27 I need this break I need this happiness in my life. I have had a hard life dealing with my health since birth. People keep saying you should wait because you young but people don't even understand what's been going on in my life I can't even hols a pregnancy with my eggs because I have pcos and my hormones are way off and pcos is a pain it's not easy dealing pcos with the problems it cause with ttc naturally. So me and husband started <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> in 2012 and now it's 2016. It's been hard. I'm healthy feeling and better than ever and I want to take advantage of this moment while I have it to be a mom tomorrow is not promised for nobody especially me because I think about everything dealing with my health all the time. Sorry this is so long I'm nervous and I guess I need to vent today and I just want our embryo to implant and I will do anything to give my baby the most healthy place to live for the next 9 months. Please give nice prayers or leave gentle messages because I would do the same for you if you ask me too. Everyone needs some faith and hope from others when they really mean. Thank you ladies for allowing me to vent this morning. And everyone that is going through their transfer or first fresh cycle today or will be taking there first pregnancy test for the time naturally conceived or <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> or <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> good luck today, tomorrow and everyday after that. I hope your dreams come true. God bless everyone.