Today is the day!


39w, 3d.... and today is the day we meet our newest and final (human) addition. Scheduled for a csection in a few hours (due to 2 prior csections). Although today will be exciting, finally will hold the little one that has beating me from the inside out, it will be a little sad. It's the first of the grandkids in my family that my mom is not at the birth. Not only that, my other two boys will not be around. Although, I love the fact that they are getting to explore another part of my country with my parents, having fun and enjoying every minute of it. I finally recently got emotional over the fact they won't be around, but I get to have a special bonding time with the new one.

For those who are going into labor, are already in labor, or scheduled to have a csection, Cheers to you, safe and happy deliveries, and Happy Birthday to you little ones that are born on this last day of June!