I hate myself because I cant have babies...

Its the worst feeling in the world. Ever since I can remember I've always wanted to be a mommy. I've always wanted to have a baby grow inside me. And when the doctor told me I can't have baby's. I died inside and I've never been the same. I told myself she was lieing to me, I said that can't be right, and that's its not true. I've beaten myself up over it. And I hate myself so much because I can't do the one thing in this world that I've wanted more than anything. I hate my body because it can't have baby's but everybody tells me my body is made for making babies. I seceretely hate pregnant girls because of the fact that I can't have babies. I hate the 15 year olds who get to have a child but I can't. I hate myself so much because of it. I've never told anyone that I can't have babies and I always talk about having babies in the future... I finally told my boyfriend I can't have babies and I feel like its put a rift between us. I hate myself so much... 😭😭💔