Cute pic I wanted to share❤️

We haven't announced it yet over social media, and I wanna wait a little bit longer, cause I just love that we have this wonderful news and I wanna keep it to ourself and close family for as long as we can. Everything is so open and transparent for everyone to see on social media these days, but I'm so glad to have this outlet with you beautiful mothers to be to share with you our journey. 
This was just a fun pic we took last night at Epcot to showcase 11 weeks. We won't share this one on social media, but wanted to share with you ladies, cause we are both excited and proud of our growing family. 
God Bless you all, and your baby! Take care 
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Posted at
Love this pic!! And even if though you are waiting you could still use this pic as it doesn't say anything but when you are due! Again, I really love this pic!


Alexis • Jul 1, 2016
Thank you Tammy!!!! I appreciate it so much!