I'm really f-ing scared and could use some support...

I'm a FTM and will be 37 weeks in 2 days. Just left my doc appointment and my baby is measuring 5 lbs 4 oz.... They said baby is having a hard time growing inside and said he'd be better growing outside because of my placenta. They scheduled to induce me next week at 37+3 and I'm just not mentally prepared. 
I'm so scared. I'm sad, I'm just a mixed of emotions and just wasn't ready for this news. I just always pictures being strong and delivering him all natural and everything going just as smoothly as my pregnancy has been this far. 
My husband and I are stationed away from all of our family and friends, so I don't really have a lot of support where I am. I think I'm freaking my husband out by crying so much.
Does anyone have any words of encouragement or advice? I could really use some love.