Feeling alone at times?

Amber • ❤️married, have two dogs and are waiting for our first baby to get here!! Due July 10th
Does anyone else feel alone at times? My husband is great but at times I feel like there's no way he could understand what pregnancy is really like...
Having to cook and clean and waddle my way around is awful at times!! I work full time and still come home to try to keep our home as ready for baby as possible. And he grew up in a household where dust and unorganization weren't an issue. At times I am fine with it and others I burst out and panic because he is so lax about everything!! There is so much to do and get ready for and it is getting heavier and heavier on my shoulders. I know he tries but he is also like a child that just puts things off or just puts things away without doing the hard stuff (scrubbing, dusting, washing, mopping etc.) "We can just do it tomorrow" is his motto...
Sorry for the huge rant!! Just needed to vent!