3 months and belly pic?

Brianna • 20 years old & have a rainbow son after my first miscarriage 🌈
So I'm kind of really upset, I'm in the beginning of my 3rd month and I put up a belly pic on my social media & my cousin instantly commented and said "you won't have a belly this early cmon" . Now I feel really stupid . Like is it stupid of me to have put it up? Idk why but this really got me down. I finally had the courage to put it up and here someone comes to ruin it 😔 here's the pic 
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Even if ur belly was completely flat there is STILL a baby inside!! Ur just showing off baby's home, fk her!


Brianna • Jul 1, 2016
Right! I said I wouldn't have it if I wasn't pregnant so idk what you're talking about .


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I'm only 10 weeks and I'm already starting to push out. I'm on baby number three. My stomach as flat when I got pregnant. Some people show faster than others. 


Brianna • Jun 30, 2016
Thank you! It just made me feel stupid cuss to some people "you don't show till 4 or 5 months" .


Brooke • Jun 30, 2016


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She's a hateeeeer!!!! 😁


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Different people show at different times. Delete her hating comment and enjoy your pregnancy!


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You definitely can. It may be bloat. But some women will show In the first trimester. 


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Swear Facebook has the most self entitled opinionated haters. Fuck her. 


Brianna • Jul 1, 2016
Seriously they do. I don't get why they had to comment it either, if they felt the need to say something they should've Just inboxed me .


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That's definitely a baby bump. How rude of her to say that. Every woman's body grows differently with pregnancy. Btw, that's the cutest bump ever!


Brianna • Jul 1, 2016
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you .


Posted at
Don't worry or let it get to you. Your belly is adorable and is growing a sweet little life. Don't compare or think differently everyone is so different and their belly will be so different as well. My sister and I are 5 weeks apart and our bellys are so different. 


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It's your right to be proud and happy about your wonderful journey just ignore people who want to rain on your parade.