New mom problems...

My daughter is 3 wks old this sunday. She was 6lbs 12 oz at birth, 6lbs 5oz when we left the hospital, and 6lbs 8oz at her first Drs appt 3 days later, now she is 6lbs 11 oz & her ped. wants me to come in 2 x a week untik they see her gaining the weight they wanna see. I started out exclusively breast feeding and pumping, but i dont think shes getting enough, considering I only pump 1oz from both breasts. I started supplementing and the ped gave me similac ready made bottles specifically for supplementing, gerber gentle, and enfamil newborn to try and she projectile vomits after every one. I thought the ready made bottles were working well but nope. And shes never thrown up from my milk.. I just wish i made enough:(:(:( i cry every day because i cant feed my baby. Formula grosses me out i literally have to wash her tongue after and it smells so bad and when it dries it cakes up like flour😳 anybody have any suggestions?! Im not opposed to formula if i can find the right one but im gonna continue to BF & pump reguardless im not giving up ill give her all i can....