Trinessa Lo Tabs 28's

I just started taking this new birth control due to the other one kept getting recalled. It's almost been a month and I'm almost through the first pack and things are going great. Now my doctor told me that I might be a week late when I start, which I was like 6 days, but that next day my cycle came. 😅 Then it went off. Like it's showing this brown pasty stuff we always see when our menstrual goes off and it's just been a day since its been on and now it's off the very next morning ? Help me please. Lol I'm so confused on what's going on. Idk if it's on or off, but it has the smell of your menstral going off ( for the ones who gets a smell when it does go off) should I contact my doctor or this is normal, due to it being new birth control? Thanks you guys. I really hope I didn't confuse you all, because I'm confused myself on what's going on 😂