So my mom just told my sister that I'm pregnant, without my okay. She knew it was a secret and told her anyway and is "so sorry".... SERIOUSLY?! My parents and sister and grandparents live in another state and we were going to make the trip down there this weekend to tell them but our dog sitter fell through. I have had two previous early miscarriages and I'm only five weeks but my numbers are better than they have ever been so we told my parents when they visited over the weekend. I haven't even responded, what am I supposed to say?! "Well I'm glad I can trust you to keep my secret and that I was able to be there to see her reaction." IF this pregnancy even works out it was my first and possibly last baby and she totally ruined my moment with my sister. I have a brother in another state in college is she going to tell him too?! I'm SOOOO sorry to have burdened her with my good news, next time I will just keep it to myself for five+ months.