In need of breastfeeding advice PLEASE 😩

Sierra • 24 years old with 2 beautiful children 💕
My milk fully came in yesterday or the day before I can't remember (all my days run together now lol). Aside from my baby's first day he has been excellent at latching. Well ever since my milk came in he is having trouble latching on. He will suck and pull away and repeat. I know it's because my breast is too full - the milk will poor out the side of his mouth. 
What can I do to make sure my breast isn't too full so he can latch? I feed on demand- should I be offering the breast sooner if I feel full even if he isn't showing hunger cues? I'm hesitant to pump this soon since I already produce so much. (I already have a stash just from the opposite boob leaking every time he eats). Is it going to fix itself? It can take up to 10 minutes to get him latched on now. 
Today I ended up having to pump before each feeding to get some out. Hand expressing isn't enough. I so desperately want this to work 😭 any advice?Â