Need advice on breastfeeding a sleepy 10 day old!

My 10 day old son is so sleepy which makes the whole feeding every 2-3 hours thing very difficult. I feel like if I don't wake him up to feed he could just sleep all day! And when I wake him up he is usually angry until I put him on my breast and then he falls asleep within the first few mins again. I'm trying to follow the 15 minute on each boob rule but can't seem to get that when he's falling asleep so quickly. We are trying everything (nurse with only diaper, rub his feet, change him)
Does anyone have this experience? Should I be concerned that he's sleeping too much and not getting up to eat? We are counting the pee and poo diapers and he's hitting the numbers.
I don't have a supply issue in fact I think I have more than he's eating and have pumped here and there to drain my breasts.
Any tips/advice would be really appreciated.