Napping dad

Ok so baby is 4 months old.  I stay home and he works.  I get up with her twice a night and take care of her 24/7...feed her 99% of the time (bottles), bathe her, play, etc.  We have three other kids who are older ages 7-11( 2 are line 1 is his).  He takes a nap at some point of the day every day!  I get NO naps.  I don't care what he says because he does sleep more than I do. "Oh the baby woke me up last night" is his excuse but HE is not the one who actually gets up to change and feed her!!!!  And I have had horrible insomnia so even when she is sleeping I can't sleep.  I actually think my insomnia is due to my frustration with him.  I was sick with a horrible cold a couple weeks ago and he went out and drank beer in the pool all day. I really think that he thinks cause he earns money, I should do everything else....take care of everyone, clean the house, grocery shop, make dinner, etc.  I'm ready to flip my lid