When to start pumping?

I had our little girl 5 days ago and I was wondering when you all started pumping? My left one is like way fuller and she won't feed on that side as much so what should I do? I'm new at all this..
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Immediately it's crucial for ur milk supply 


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I haven't given birth yet but I decided I'll pump probably by the first week because I want my fiance to have bonding feeding time with him too. I know he'll feel left out with me doing it all the time. Plus I want to be a pumping pro before I go back to work 👍


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I would start pumping immediately.   The first few days are crucial to your milk supply.   The more you stimulate the better.  You can work on regulating your supply after you know you are producing well! 


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You're also gunna wanna use the initiate program until you're producing every 2 hrs 20mls.. then use the maintain program


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They had me start in the hospital and then I started right when I got home. I was pumping a lot more often in the first few weeks but now I just do early morning and at nights - 11 weeks old.