Niece punched me in the stomach ☹️

So yesterday was 4th of July and also happened to be my mother in laws birthday. So we had a ton of people over celebrating. All of her kids and grand kids. Well while the kids were playing in another room, all the adults sat in the living room just talking and catching up. Well I was sitting on a far end of the couch when all of a sudden my 4 year old neice comes around the corner and punches me with both of her fists as hard as she could in the stomach, well obviously I was shocked, but it kind of made me lose my breath for a few seconds and I was coughing. Well, everyone just starting laughing like it was funny! I was just looking around confused. Since when is it funny a 35 weeks pregnant lady gets punched in the stomach, I get she's 4 but it still hurt like hell. I did do kick counts after that and he was moving, but I literally felt like no one thought that was a big deal or even cared. My brother in law did tell the little girl that it wasn't nice. I just couldn't believe everyone just sat there laughing, my mother in law even said I must have done something to make the little girl mad since she punched me. It was bizarre to me.. Sorry just needed to vent..