Something to take the edge off..

These past couple of days have been tough for me..I've been feeling hopeless and just plain stressed.

I just want to be alone, but I have a crying newborn to take care of. I have help from my mom and she does very well with my baby, but I feel like im asking too much if I ask her to watch her while I leave the house and have lunch w a friend or something. I just don't want to be looked down upon like I can't take care of my daughter.

Today is one of those days and my mom knows I'm in a bad mood and with my baby crying in my face all day, she's offered to take her, but I don't think that counts as I can leave the house while she watches her lol

I really want a drink or smoke since it has been over 9 months lol I am breastfeeding though..

Am I wrong to want a break for a few hours ? Will drinking or smoking just once hurt my baby ? I'm not addicted I just want to chill out for a bit...