Any therapist/psychiatrists out there?

My ex partner revealed to me that he's having some suicidal ideation. He says he's been having extremely dark thoughts and thinking about death a lot, but knows he isn't selfish enough to ever commit suicide. We broke up because he is on Vyvanse, which he became addicted to and I think is the cause of his anxiety and dark mindset. I convinced him to seek a therapist and he now goes to the same office that I do. I have talked to my therapist and she asked who he is seeing (it's not her).
She has an emergency number and I am wondering if I told her this could she forward this information to his doctor at the same office? Or would that break some sort of confidentiality law? I don't think that he is in danger of committing suicide but I do think he possibly needs to go to a stress center or a psychiatrist. I've done research and in our state you can't be sent anywhere unless you actually say that you ARE going to hurt yourself. His family is no help and he refuses to see a psychiatrist on his own. 
I don't want to call my therapist after hours if there is nothing she can do. Any advice???