Is this heartburn??

I've never had heartburn or acid reflux in my life. I thought it was supposed to be painful or, well, burn-y!!! 
What I'm experiencing is, if I eat in the couple hours prior to going to bed, when I lay down to sleep I feel on the verge of vomiting. I'm not nauseous at all, I just get that sensation in my throat where it feels like there's puke about to come out. It doesn't burn, or feel acidic, or hurt or anything like that. If I prop up against a bunch of pillows it helps/goes away, but then I don't sleep very well because I'm uncomfortable. 
Anybody else experience this? For sufferers of heartburn, is this what it feels like? Googling heartburn and acid reflux makes it sound like that's NOT what's going on, but what do I know. 😔