Would you be mad if your BF did this???

I have a tendency to get upset quickly and make rash decisions in a moment of frustration. But I do not believe that I am crazy for this one. I am in high school. I am a sophomore my boyfriend is a senior and we've been dating for 9 months. I got drunk on the beach with a few of my friends and that week I had gotten into a few arguements with my boyfriend. So my mood towards him wasn't exactly positive. And he showed up at the beach with his boys he saw me and immediately could tell I was drinking. I was being rude to him telling him he always gets in the way when I'm with my friends etc. etc. 
As we were leaving the beach one of the girls I was with let's say her name is Lisa. Lisa walks over to him and was over there for 10+ minutes. Holding his hand then hugging him and that bothered me because. Me and her aren't that close and she never really talks to my boyfriend. Doesn't have any mutual friends with him. No classes together. They aren't even in the same grade. So it bothered me that she was being that comforting. 
SHE then invited him to come get food with us we got some burritos from a place idek the name of but as me and him left he waved to my friends (the others that I am closer with and he knows very well) and says bye. But HUGS Lisa.
He tells me a few days later about how Lisa came to get food at the place he works twice that week. He was talking about how she seemed like a good friend and at that point I couldn't deal. I didn't wanna come off as jealous or insecure but she just seems sneaky and it was starting to rub me wrong. 
I then went on a rant to my best friend James (I've been best friends with him since elementary My BF respects that friendship because James is pretty much my brother and they always talk.) James was upset. He didn't and doesn't want any guy playing with my feelings. And he told him that he needed to chill with talking to Lisa the way that he does. And my boyfriend talked to me about it and I explained how I didn't like it and how it made me feel uncomfortable.
Then yesterday during fireworks I saw his snapchats loading and Lisa was one of them. And was one of his best friends. Granted he doesn't really use snapchat so it's not that hard to be on his best friend list. But what bothers me is that he didn't start snapchationg her until AFTER our conversation about how it upset me. To me that's DISRESPECTFUL and INCONSIDERATE. And didn't tell me he was snap chatting her. I asked him what they even snapchat about and he said just random things and how he asked if she was mad at him for not talking to her as much😒 I broke up with him. I care for him a lot but never will I let anyone disregard my wished and keeping it as a secret comes off as even more suspect. He keeps asking to take me back. Crying and leaving me voicemails. I believe it's bullshit. Someone tell me I'm not crazy🙄