Heart broken by words


Okay, so I'm extremely close with my grandfather and my 14 month old daughter and I go to lunch with him 3-4 a week. (Have been going for years since my grandma passed away)

We'll on father's day he got drunk and told me in front of my whole family while I told my husband to keep an eye on her while I went and got the cake to cut for everyone that I ignore my daughter, I don't take care of her and she's better off raising herself. I immediately told him to stop saying things he's going to regret and didn't speak with him the rest the night. Here to find out he laid into my husband about his families business and was conpletly out of line. Later that evening I came home and bawled like a baby. Him saying that destroyed me. My daughter is my whole world, and everyone knows that. I'm a stay at home mom and currently 8 1/2 months pregnant with our son.

I haven't gone to lunch in 2 weeks but my sister and mother keep saying to call my grandpa and "get over it". But emotionally I can't. How could someone so close to me that sees how much I love my babies and literally would move mountains for them say that ? How am I suppose to just move on and act like it didn't Happen? I tried calling him today because he told my mom to have me call him but he didn't answer but at the same time he hasn't called me either. For the past week and a half he refused to even accept the fact he did anything wrong. Am I taking it too personally ? I honestly think "because he was drunk" isn't an excuse to act like an asshole and get away with it.